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Ritz Carlton - Washington DC

Westmount Country Club - Woodland Park, NJ

Marriot - Hanover, NJ

Moon Palace - Cancun, Mexico

Atlantis Resort - Paradise Island, Bahamas

University of Law - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Andrew Mellon Auditorium - Washington DC

Plaza Hotel - New York, NY

Tribeca Rooftop - New York, NY

Ocean Place – Long Branch, New Jersey

Ritz Carlton - Battery Park, NYC

Legacy Castle - Pomptan Plains, NJ

Legacy Castle Wedding Cost

Eden Roc Hotel - Miami, Florida

Atlanta Marriot Marquis - Atlanta, GA

Fontainebleau Hotel and Resort – Miami, FL

Hilton Frontenac - St. Louis, Missouri

Grandover Resort - Greensboro, North Carolina

Stanley Hotel – Estes Park, Colorado

Equinox Spa/Resort – Manchester, Vermont

Gaylord National Convention Center - National Harbor, Maryland

Harvard Club - New York City, New York

Hyatt Grand Hotel - Wichita, Kansas

Grand Hyatt – New Orleans, Louisiana

Newport Hyatt Resort - Newport, Rhode Island

Downtown Marriot - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Woburn Hilton - Boston, Massachusetts

Sheraton Crossroads Hotel - Mahwah, NJ

Omni Hotel - Pittsburgh, PA

Ritz Carlton - Philadelphia, PA

Chateau Chanticleer - Sonoma County, California

Terrace on the Park - New York, New York

Omni Hotel – New Haven, Connecticut

Cuyahoga State Courthouse – Cleveland, Ohio

Grand Empire Banquet and Convention Centre – Brampton, Ontario

Omni Resort - Amelia Island, Florida

Grand Marriot - Hanover, New Jersey

The McCormick - Scottsdale, AZ

Hyatt - Jersey City, New Jersey

Cavos Ventas - Santorini, Greece

NY Lotte Palace - New York, New York

South Fork Ranch - Dallas, TX

Rockleigh Country Club - Rockleigh, NJ

Omni Hotel and Resort - Orlando, FL

Design Arts Center - San Francisco, California

***We have performed at most major venues featured in Maharani Weddings, the Knot Weddings, Grace Ormonde, and South Asian Bride***

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